Tag Archives: Chuck

‘Survivor: One World:’ Player-By-Player Odds AND Celebrity Look-Alikes!

It’s finally here, folks!  Our much ballyhooed, frequently teased, oft-delayed player-by-player odds for Survivor: ONE WORLD!   And this time we’re sweetening the deal by including celebrity look-alikes.  Yes, these predictions are coming five episodes late, but that just gives us better insight and helps us provide you with more accurate, educated odds.  So let’s get to it, A-B-C style.

Alicia: If not for Colton, you’d probably take the crown as The Worst.  As it is though, the two worst seem to have allied with each other and found common ground in being The Worst.  She fashions herself as a villain, and a tough bitch, but she’s yet to truly display the physical or social skills that will get her to the end (she has, however, displayed far too much of her chest, sporting a variety of wildly ill fitting tops).  If she sticks with Colton, Team The Worst could actually, grossly, go far, that is if they don’t kill each other first.  Odds of winning: 30-1

  Read on for the rest!

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Filed under Count Bleh, Look-Alikes, Tribal Council

In Memoriam: ‘Lone Star’

Well, Fox, you’ve done it again.   Axed a show before it even had a chance to reach its bris.   Lone Star is officially dead.

But this feels somehow different.  This was not The Pitts, or Brothers, or even Kitchen Confidential.  This was a show that arrived with critical praise, almost unanimously hailed as the season’s “best new network show.”  It had a beautiful backdrop to match its beautiful young faces.  It had Jon Voight.  And, most importantly, it had an original, complex story.  While a lot of shows come and go, and a lot of them deserve to be banished (looking at you, Outsourced), this is certainly not the first series unfairly cut down before it’s time.  It joins a group of shows like Love Monkey and Action that share the unfortunate distinction of a premature demise, depriving the viewing public of quality television.  Lone Star is not the first and it won’t be the last.  But why then is this particular cancellation so troubling?

Read on: The end of network TV as we know it?

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Filed under Analysis, Best Show You're Not Watching, Dillon Panthers, In Memoriam

Score One for Gritty High School Football Dramas!

Well, if there were two good things to come out of Jay Leno destroying the NBC schedule, they are that Chuck has been brought back early and given a major push (and will now likely have a much greater chance of surviving to season four) and, as, just announced, Friday Night Lights will return on April 30.  Originally, the word was that the critically-beloved, Ben Silverman-sabotaged, tragically audience-starved drama would not return to NBC until the summer, but with all the holes soon to open up in the schedule it looks like it’s coming back early.  Yay!  Still time to catch up seasons 1-3.  And, trust me, you should.

I bet NBC regrets axing Southland now.

See the full post-Olympics, post-late night debacle schedule @ Tuned In.

Oh, and looks like I was wrong about Dick Wolf.  He seems safe.  For now.

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Filed under Dillon Panthers, Other people's stuff, Who's the Boss?

NBC to Replace ‘Southland’ With ‘Chuck?’

Well, no, not exactly, but according to Michael Ausiello the third season premiere of Chuck might be pushed up earlier than its initially scheduled March return.  With a new vacancy in the schedule (read: Southland) this sounds good to me.

Sure, I know what you’re thinking, “But I’ve never seen Chuck.  This doesn’t excite me.”   Well, you’re in luck, Hulu is streaming pilot.  So, no excuses.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

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Filed under Impatience, Must See TV