Category Archives: Venn Diesel Diagram

Two Things That Make No Sense Together: A Visual Representation

We recently received this email from Major League Baseball promoting a special performance by former American Idol finalist Adam Lambert at the MLB Fan Cave, the corner storefront in Greenwich Village where a bunch of super-fans hole up and watch every MLB game (kinda like The Real World, but instead of Puck picking his nose and  putting his fingers in the peanut butter, there’s a dude who swears that Ryan Braun has an STD).

And this got us thinking: what percentage of Major League Baseball fans are also strident Adam Lambert loyalists?  How many people are both excited about the MLB Fan Cave and Lambert’s #CaveConcert?  So we did a little statistical analysis and graphed our results using a Venn diagram.

There you have it.

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Filed under Count Bleh, Matt Christopher Books, MS Paint, Tyranasaurus Sex, Venn Diesel Diagram