Tag Archives: Tyrone

‘Survivor Nicaragua’: Double Trouble

For a while there it looked as if, for the fourth week straight, we’d lose one of the older males from Survivor: Nicaragua.  All signs pointed to Marty joining the parade out into the graveyard, following in succession former Espada tribemates Jimmy Johnson, Jimmy T and Tyrone.  Traded two episodes ago to the La Flor tribe, Marty had only his Immunity Idol (and Fabio, for some reason) to protect him.  And when, at Tribal Council, he elected not to use it, he had nothing to left.  He was a goner.

But no???

Read on: What? Why? STUPID.

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Filed under Analysis, Century 21 Reality, Tribal Council

‘Survivor Nicaragua:’ Chicken Little/Little Chicken

Marty started off last week’s episode of Survivor: Nicaragua telling us how he’s got it all figured out.  The game is going exactly as he planned it, he’s completely masterminding the Espada tribe, and he can see two or three tribal councils ahead, so they might as well just give him the million dollars now.


Unfortunately, Marty failed to realize that this strategy doesn’t work when you systematically vote off the alpha males in your tribe, leaving your team of geezers severely weakened to the point that the producers have two choices a) take the Espada tribe behind the barn and put them out of their misery or b) mix up the tribes.  Not surprisingly, they chose option B.  Should have seen that one coming Marty.  We take back the million dollars.

So with Marty shifting over to La Flor, along with Jill and Jane (whose unabashed glee at the swap was the first annoying thing she’s done all season), Tyrone took up the mantle of chief of Espada, giving the new arrivals the lowdown on camp protocol.  While Tyrone was clearly the premier physical player for Espada, Marty was the bigger vocal presence, so it was interesting to see Tyrone step into the breach, especially after he seemed content to let Jimmy J, Jimmy T and Marty fight amongst themselves.  But Tyrone, perhaps feeling a bit paternal, decided to be the silverback, and tell the new guys how things are done.  Honestly, the rules and regulations for Espada camp didn’t sound all that outrageous, pretty practical really, and Tyrone didn’t deliver the orientation with a condescending or hostile tone.  But the younglings, led by Benry and Chase, were going to take any excuse to vote off their biggest male competitor, and when Tyrone appeared to overindulge on the chicken he initially protested killing and cooking, he put the final nail in his own coffin.  Always remember, Tyrone: LOOSE TYRONES SINK SHIPS.

Read on: The Sky Is Falling!!!

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Filed under Analysis, Century 21 Reality, Tribal Council

‘Survivor Nicaragua’ Unless You’re Bill Parcells, How Could You Think You’re a Better Coach Than Jimmy Johnson? AKA The Final Faces of Jimmy Johnson; Plus: Player by Player Odds!

Well, Survivor: Nicaragua just became a little tougher to watch every week.  While we were initially skeptical of the inclusion of former NFL head coach Jimmy Johnson’s in the cast, we were quickly won over by his charm and gung-ho attitude.  We still think it was a questionable decision by the producers, big picture-wise, but it enabled us to enjoy his positivity, humor and variety of faces every week.  That is, until the Espada tribe made the curious (aka egregious, outrageous) decision to cut Coach Johnson, engineered by Jimmy T and Marty’s testosterone-driven need to prove that they can be a better leader (than a Super Bowl winning NFL head coach).  Why Jimmy T felt threatened by Jimmy Johnson, or why he desired to usurp the  leadership role when it makes more sense to let Jimmy J maintain the mantle and thus the pressure, is beyond us.  And why Marty feels compelled to “accelerate” the game is even more baffling.  Now they’ve put themselves both in the cross-hairs, while they could have let the bullseye rest on Coach Johnson.  It was way to early for a power grab, and completely unnecessary, and they’ll likely realize this sooner rather than later.  At least vote out the dude who can’t even walk (Danny).

But, for now, the damage is done and Jimmy J is gone.  In his honor, our (perhaps) final Faces of Jimmy Johnson:
Continue: The sad final Faces of Jimmy Johnson. Then we rundown who’s left!


Filed under Analysis, Century 21 Reality, Lists, The Worst, Tribal Council