Tag Archives: Paula Deen

“Survivor: Blood vs. Water’ Premiere – The Bitch is Back

After a long, Probst-free summer, Survivor is finally back, and the man in denim is ready to preside over the case of Blood v. Water. With only a few hours until court is back in session, let’s get right to it.

The burning question for this season, as we noted in our pseudo-primer/preview, is “has Gervase, after thirteen years, learned to swim?”

Well, from the looks of his very tentative entry into the water, it seems unlikely.

Gervase Survivor

But it was more of an encouraging start than that of Tyson’s girlfriend Rachel, who apparently agreed to sleep in the jungle for 39 days on the one condition that she can never get wet.

Tyson & Rachel

When the Survivors and their loved ones arrive on dry land (including Kat and her boyfriend/big brother Hayden), they learn that they’ll be spending their first night alone, and while the game is afoot, the formation of the tribes will wait. Colton, of course, is back, because no ruptured appendix can deter a monster that terrible. He’s returned with his boyfriend Caleb, which serves to make him more sympathetic terrible. And even though he has his southern boytoy to take care of him, he’s still livid about having to spend a night in the elements.

More: Take Your Daughters to School Day…

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Filed under Analysis, Century 21 Reality, The Worst, Tribal Council

Don’t Drink the Water, There’s Blood vs. Water – New ‘Survivor’ Cast Revealed

Survivor Blood vs. Water

Well, folks, with less than month to go until Survivor: Blood vs. Water premieres (assuming that CBS and Time Warner resolve their who-is-more-horrible-and-greedy-and-out-of-touch-and-only-serving-to-destroy-their-own industry-off), the much-anticipated cast list, featuring returning favorites with their loved ones, has been revealed! And we have to say, as opposed to last season’s casting missteps (The Devil’s Brandon Hantz, Shamar, Sandra Bullock), this is a pretty solid roster with only a few complaints. If Survivor: Caramoan – Fans vs. Favorites 2 Legit 2 Quit was successful despite its bevy of either unbearable or barely there players, then we have high hopes for Blood vs. Water: No Matter Who Wins, We Also Win. Let’s dig a little deeper (in bullet form!)

Read on: Who’s back! Who’s missing? (

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Filed under Analysis, Century 21 Reality, Tribal Council

Last Week on ‘Top Chef: All-Stars’: You’re Gonna Fry

Quickly, before new one, last time on Top Chef: All-Stars:

– Paula Deen stops by for the Quickfire to annoy the hell out of us!  And, of course, to tell everyone to FRY their foods.  Oil, butter, DEATH.

MORE: Mike is a thief AND a fraud. But justice is served. And it’s delicious…

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Filed under Century 21 Reality, Rip-off, The Sixth Taste, Top Scallop

Last Week on ‘Top Chef’: An Intersection on the Venn Diagram of Things That We Love

A new Top Chef in just a few hours.  But can anything top last week’s episode with featuring Sesame Street AND Target?  Probably not!

A few highlights!

  • Elmo suggests perhaps making a cookie out of zucchini and daikon and dirt and cobwebs and rice cakes and Canadian pennies.  Luckily, Cookie Monster tells him to shut the fuck up.
  • Cookie Monster invokes the five second rule and is pretty much just the best.

The Best

More: Cookie Time! And then it’s off to Target for a slumber party! Bring your green hat!

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Filed under Bert-n-Ernie, Century 21 Reality, Intersection of the venn diagram of things that I love, Local Flavor, Muppets, Rip-off, The Sixth Taste, Top Scallop