Gratuitous Search Term Bait of the Day: Electric City

Remember in the cold winter days of December 2005 when “Lazy Sunday” premiered and basically made YouTube an inextricable part of our lives?  That was a seminal, society altering, comedy-changing moment.  Well, that’s not what people were looking for on our blog, they were searching using the term “michael scott dick in a box.”  But, unfortunately, we don’t have that, a combination of Steve Carell’s Office character and the cultural successor to “Lazy Sunday” that became a phenomenon in its own right.  But, what we do have is a combination of Michael Scott and “Lazy Sunday.”  So, here we go, the ode of suburban Pennsylvania, “Lazy Scranton”:

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Filed under Dunder Mifflin, this is Pam, Gratuitous Search Term Bait, Saturday Night Live, Virulent

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