Tag Archives: Contemporary American Poultry

Gratuitous Search Term Bait of the Day: Hall Pass

Last week in our Community season recap (and Dan Harmon era post-mortem) we listed our top five episodes from the series’s three seasons.  We included on that list “Contemporary American Poultry” because, besides being brilliant, it was the first episode to truly bring it all together and show what that series could be, the way that it could play with genre but still be entirely Community.  But if we had to identify when we fell in love with the show, that would have to be “Comparative Religion,” just a few episodes earlier.  While not as strong of an episode, certainly not as ambitious, it was the first episode we were excited to watch again (and we did).  If “Poultry” was the promise of what was to come, “Religion” was the promise of the promise of what was to come.  Which is why we were so pleased to see “anthony michael hall on community” as one of today’s top search terms.


That could be one of the top search terms for as long as this blog exists and we would never complain.

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Filed under Brilliance, Gratuitous Search Term Bait, Greendale Human

Must Flee TV: Community – The Twilight of the First Harmon Dynasty

Today we bring you the final entry in our “Must Flee TV” series, our thoughts on the end of ‘Community’ Season Three, and, well, the end of an era. 

Full disclosure: when we wrote our Dan Harmon obituary earlier this week we had not yet had the chance to view the final three Season Three Community episodes.  We felt comfortable going ahead with the in memorial post because there would be nothing in those final episodes of the Harmon run to change our opinion of his work and influence on Community.  Unless one of the episodes was a shot-by-shot remake of an unremarkable episode of Friends, he could do nothing to tarnish his legacy, and, actually, they probably could pull that episode off (and by Season Six he probably would have gotten to that too).  But, as it turned out, the show had still yet another level to go, there were still recesses of our mind left to blow.

Perhaps only when Fox burned off the last four Arrested Developments against the Olympics has viewing a block of episodes felt so bittersweet, such a painful joy.  But unlike the Arrested finale night, the last three episodes of Community left us with little closure, and much uncertainty.  If anything, we’re sadder now than we were at the end of Arrested (obviously we could not know that it would eventually come back on Netflix, and we would have been foolish to pin our hopes on such a thing, especially since Netflix was in its nascent stages then).  We know our show is coming back, but we don’t know in what form, if it’ll continue on the same genius path, if it’ll forge something new and different, or if it’ll be a morbid a shadow of itself, a crushing reminder of what was.

Up far ahead: Our top 5 episodes of the Dan Harmon Era…

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Filed under Analysis, Brilliance, Good Humor, Greendale Human, In Memoriam, Lists, Must Flee TV, Must See TV