Tag Archives: David Peterson

Muppet Monday: If You Thought the Muppets Were Only Going to Dominate the Web, TV and Volunteerism in 2010 Then You Were Wrong. Dead Wrong.

They’re taking on the comic book world as well.

I had a long, busy day so I’m just getting to the Muppet Monday post now.  In lieu of this, and for the sake of brevity, I’m going to paste an email from Jump the Snark BFF Steve Ponzo:

Maybe a future Muppet Monday for you…
also here at David Petersen’s blog on jan. 5th he posted a bunch of new images:

That’s right, a new Muppet comic book!  So now they’re officially taken over TV, Disneyland, the web and your local comic book store.  Next stop Broadway?  Or maybe they can partner up with Conan on a new venture.

Oh, and make sure to check out Steve’s blog, His Still Life.  He’s an artist, and a good one.

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Filed under Comic Book Guy, Muppet Mondays, Muppets, Other people's stuff