Tag Archives: Dairy Barn

Gratuitous Search Term Bait of the Day: Dairy Show

It was just yesterday that we were thinking that our late 2009 blog post Dairy Burn (How ’30 Rock’ Taught Us That Stone Mountain & Long Island Are Not That Different) was one of our better works, if not for its convincing parallels between northeast yuppie suburbanites and southern redneck bumpkins, then purely for its impressive investigative journalism, tracking down the Long Island Dairy Barn that served as Fatty Fat’s Sandwich Ranch in a Season Four episode of 30 Rock. While not our crowning achievement, it’s certainly something to be proud of.  So what luck when we saw among today’s top search terms “dairy barn long island,” giving us the perfect opportunity to link to that original piece.


And, for something new, here’s what our hometown Dairy Barn looks like.  First person to pinpoint the location of this branch wins an amazing* prize.

[It’s interesting to note that in that original post we implied that 30 Rock was the second funniest show on television, trailing only The Office.  Now, a little over a year later, we’d easily rank both of those shows behind their two Thursday night companions, Community and Parks and Recreation.  Even more, we’d have to admit that 30 Rock would now be slotted ahead The Office, but more for the latter’s decline in quality than improvement by the former.]

*”Amazing” is a relative term

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Filed under Flashback!, Gratuitous Search Term Bait, Local Flavor, Mars Investigations, Must See TV, You Decide

Dairy Burn (How ’30 Rock’ Taught Us That Stone Mountain & Long Island Are Not That Different)

(Forgive me for this somewhat belated post regarding the Halloween episode of 30 Rock.  I’m still catching up after our fall break.)

Liz Lemon SandwichDespite some recent blacklash from critics, and the fact that it has featured an overreliance on meta-humor, a drawn out debate over the “real America,” and maybe too many inside NYC jokes, the new season of 30 Rock has been as brilliant and hilarious as ever.  While I agree that the lack of real emotional attachment to the characters prevents the show from surpassing The Office as the best overall comedy (nay, show?) on television, 30 Rock is still a showcase for impossible sharp acting and writing, and probably offers the highest laugh per minute (lpm) ratio of any prime-time comedy.  However, this is yet another post for another day.  Today we’re not going to talk about the relationship between Liz and Jack, the disappearance of Rachel Dratch, the curious case of Lonny Ross or the parade of guest stars that has more than once elicited unfair comparisons to Will & Grace.  No, today we’re going to talk about Dairy Barn.

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Filed under Analysis, Good Humor, Makes You Think, Must See TV