Tag Archives: Dan Cortese

We Finally Weigh-In On the Queen Latifah Rumors

Keeping with today’s theme, we’re going to address the recent rumblings about Queen Latifah’s sexuality.  Last month word spread across the blogosphere that Queen Latifah declared herself a lesbian at the Long Beach Pride Festival on May 19th.  But she later denied those reports, explaining that her unity with the gay community does not necessarily equate with her coming out of the closet, and she refuses to comment further either way.  And we respect her feelings on the matter and her preference to keep her private life private.  But we don’t care either way; you be you, Queen.  What do know, however, is that the girl can play ball, for whatever that’s worth.

Take a look at this classic highlight from the 1994 MTV Rock’n’Jock B-Ball Jam and draw your own conclusions.  Or don’t.  Or do and keep them to yourself.  That’s your right too.

Also, Dan Cortese.

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Filed under Interweb, Matt Christopher Books, TV Killed the Music Video Star, You Decide