Tag Archives: Band Camp

The Ultimate Eugene Levy in ‘American Pie’ Showdown – Round 2!

The Final Four in the Ultimate Eugene Levy in American Pie Showdown is set!  Following an explosive, dramatic, electric opening round we’re left with Jim’s Dad in American Pie, Jim’s Dad in American Pie 2, Jim’s Dad in American Reunion (a controversial win over Jim’s Dad in American Pie: The Naked Mile), and, in a stunning upset, Jim’s Dad in American Pie: Band Camp.  Can the number six seed continue its cinderella run and shock the world by taking down the original Jim’s Dad?  Will the older, wiser Jim’s Dad in American Reunion be able to overcome his younger, more agile, less gray self?  The only thing that we know for sure is that when it comes to Eugene Levy as Jim’s Dad tournaments anything can happen.

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Presenting: The Ultimate Eugene Levy in ‘American Pie’ Showdown

Earlier this month we saw the release of the eighth installment in the American Pie franchise, American Reunion, and Eugene Levy holds the noble distinction of being the only actor to appear in the four theatrical films and also in the four straight-to-DVD movies.  Thirteen years into his lifetime contract as “Jim’s Dad,” we thought it was time to pit all the Jim’s Dads together in a definitive tournament to decide which is the greatest Eugene Levy as Jim’s Dad in an American Pie movie of all time.  No surprise, Jim’s Dad in the original Pie is the number one seed, but, just like we’ve seen in the NHL playoffs, anything can happen and nothing can be taken for granted.

Take a look at the opening round and cast your vote now.

Who said there can’t be madness in April?

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